+91 - 172 - 5085519 / 5087718 info@sanjayaroraassociates.com


Our Systematic and Pragmatic approach ensures adherence to legislation in the complex Indian regulatory framework making it easier for clients to carry on their business. Providing clients the best possible solutions focusing on the growth of your business enterprise.
  • Financial Accounting: Our teams are technically competent and well versed with Indian as well as Foreign accounting software’s. Clients accounts are maintained keeping in view of the all the rules and regulations.
  • Reporting: We provide one stop solutions for our clients in terms reporting viz financial reporting, Budgeting, MIS Reporting, Financial analysis, Asser accounting management.
  • Risk Assessment & Due Diligence : Our Partners having vast experiences and deep knowledge guide clients in understanding the clients business and assessing the risks associated in their business enterprise and due diligence of their organization to over come shortcomings if any.
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